USB 2.0 Video Adapter(model: DM-II) FAQ For Vista XP Users

Where can I find the driver for installation in Windows Vista ?

The Vista driver of this USB 2.0 video adapter can be downloaded from the following link:

After download finished, please upzip the drive file and use it accordingly.

Driver not installed correctly in Windows XP. What to do ?

0). Download the new driver update from and save the downloaded driver update to your desired location, for example, C:\Documents and Settings\usr\My Documents\My Webs…

1) Right-click “My Computer” and left-click “Properties”.


 2) Select “Hardware” and “Device Manager” and click “OK” as follows:


3) Locate the question-marked USB Device.


 4) Right-click “USB Device” and left-click “Properties”.

 5) Select “General” and “Reinstall Driver” and click “OK”.

 6) Select “ Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)” and click “Next”.


7) Select “Browse” and specify the location of your downloaded driver update file(

Then click “OK” to exit and click “Next”.

 8) Select “Continue Anyway”.

 9) Click “Finish” to complete the Reinstallation.

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